Who should enrol?
HR professionals, talent & leadership development experts, organisational consultants and practising executive coaches.
Program Structure
Four blocks of 2 day face-to-face teaching events and monthly webinars spread over a 10 month period using case material for discussion from a brain-based point of view.
Learning Outcomes
1. To gain a working understanding of the brain and how it controls behaviour through its cognitive and emotional mechanisms.
2. To apply this in the context of executive coaching & leadership development by expanding the repertoire of your available skills and knowledge. Specifically:
o The brain and how (we think) it works
o The mind and how it (probably) works
o Emotion as the mainspring of all action
o A simple introduction to neurochemistry
o Regulation and the development of the Self
o Attachment theory
o Life patterns that resonate through the executive life
o Dealing with stress and personal distress
o Using knowledge about the brain within the framework of Neurobehavioural Modelling (NBM)
3. Understanding how to enquire in to the biographical basis of current life behaviour and being able to work out how patterns formed from earlier experience go on resonating in adult life at work.
4. Beginning to understand the brain as both the organ of relationship and as the central controller of the way energy is applied to everything in life, including but not limited to executive performance.
Course Fee: INR 335,000/-
Course Dates: 15th & 16th of Feb18, 3rd & 4th of May 18, 7th & 8th of Aug 18, 20 & 21st of Nov 18
Location: Delhi NCR
Contact us, to book your spot.
Don't lose out on early bird discount - available only if you reserve your spot by the 2nd of January 2018.